Ripped Face Zombie Makeup

The only thing I regret while doing this special effects makeup is that I got all dressed up with nowhere to go. I should have at least gone and ordered food somewhere or maybe gone for a nice stroll with the dog. Who knows what conversation I could have *not* had with people.

I have a tradition of applying special effects makeup to myself to welcome in every October (and hopefully creep my family and friends out). I tend to bounce back and forth between complicated and simple looks, recreating other artists designs, or creating my own. I wish I had come up with this year’s look myself, but I must give credit where credit is due. In internet browsing I found many people have done this ripped mouth zombie look but the tutorial I found most useful was from Freakmo. Please see her video here.

I followed it….ish (had to make a few tweaks) and am extremely happy with the end product. This makeup took me longer than any other effects makeup I’ve done before but I don’t regret it one bit. Besides, it just made the removal process that much more satisfying. Rrrrriiiiiipppppp! That being said, because this practically creates a mold of your face, I’m able to reuse it for as long as it lasts. Win!

I didn’t order any Halloween contacts this year but thought a little eye blood would be fun. This was my first time using it and though I was apprehensive at first (dropping dye in my eyes freaks me out….as it should anyone really) it wasn’t too bad. It only lasts for about thirty seconds because as soon as you start blinking your own tears wash it out. But it had the desired effect for the pictures. 

So after the arduous process of layering liquid latex, toilet paper, liquid latex, toilet paper, liquid late…..*repeat this until all feeling has left your face or your next birthday hits*, molding teeth (badly) and trying to stick them, painting everything, squirting blood everywhere, and dropping dye in your eyes you will look pretty badass.